Rain, rain…

Well, I had my “green day” several days ago. That’s what our family calls that one day every Spring when you’re going about your normal business and you notice that while you weren’t paying attention, the whole world exploded into glorious, lush bright green spring growth and you realize the season really has changed! We look forward to this day every year, but if your looking too forward to it, you end up cheating yourself out of it, having stolen the surprise away from yourself!

We’ve been working in the field, cleaning everything up, mowing, raking and trying, sometimes in vain, to get the tremendous growth of the laterals under control and conveniently confined to their own trellised rows! Somebody (that would be me) didn’t quite get to all the pruning of the laterals and some are quite long and roaming! But, being ever the optimist, and since this is only our second year, I’m considering the missed pruning an experiment! Now we get to study the effects of pruning verses not pruning in our very own laboratory and not just read about it in books.

I love living life in such a way as this! Relying always on God to take care of things that are beyond my control. He is so faithful. This is His berry farm to do with what He wills. We are the caretakers and He knows our limits, but as long as He continues to call us to this work, Mom and I are confident that He will work everything for our good, because we are living proof of His grace and mercy and we do love Him so! Amen and amen!!

As I’m writing this, He’s watering the plants with the most pleasant slow and steady rain! What a blessing. This takes care of the watering for a while and gives us the opportunity to tend to some inside house work that was starting to feel neglected. Try as I might to train that laundry, it just refuses to wash itself!

Hopefully we can get a little closer to the end of this school year, too! We are all a bit anxious to see it finished. Molly tried to insist that yard work would be a better expenditure of her time yesterday than sitting down with her schoolwork. She certainly comes by that attitude naturally!!

I’d better sign off. Hoping continued blessings on you all until we meet over the bushes!


Posted April 25th, 2006, by Penny | No comments

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