Rain, rain…

Well, I had my “green day” several days ago. That’s what our family calls that one day every Spring when you’re going about your normal business and you notice that while you weren’t paying attention, the whole world exploded into glorious, lush bright green spring growth and you realize the season really has changed! We look forward to this day every year, but if your looking too forward to it, you end up cheating yourself out of it, having stolen the surprise away from yourself!

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Posted April 25th, 2006, by Penny | No comments

Some like it HOT!!

But not me. Not this hot. Not this early!! The weather guy said it was the hottest April day in 60-70 years!

*Note to self* Do NOT pick the hottest April day in 60 years to lay out the black plastic mulch on the huge garden that has to be held down by really big, really heavy, really many hand placed (lugged) field rocks!

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Posted April 18th, 2006, by Penny | No comments

Spring is Here!

Well, Spring is here and we are busy getting the berries ready for you to come pick!

We are clearing away the winter’s debris, weeding, watering, feeding and loving the plants. We are competing with the deer who also love our berries, but I know there will be plenty to go around!

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Posted April 11th, 2006, by Penny | No comments